Thursday, October 02, 2008

Poll: Biden wins debate, Palin exceeds expectations |

Biden vs Palin

Hey, I told you so...

(CNN) - A national poll of people who watched the vice presidential debate suggests that Democratic Sen. Joe Biden won but also hints that Republican Gov. Sarah Palin exceeded expectations.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey is not a measurement of the views of all Americans, since only people who watched the debate were questioned.

(Source: CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Poll: Biden wins debate, Palin exceeds expectations - Blogs from


C'mon, just give it to me on this one. Will someone say I called it?! I'll give it a day or so to really set in. But watch, we're going to see more Palin now. And yes, Biden was killing it. Clearly won. I watched it on CSPAN, then went back and confirmed with the little CNN live opinion ticker. So, yes I watched it twice. Palin seemed to truly admire Joe Biden. I wonder if she was rooting for him in the Democratic nominee race? I'm also surprised Biden stated that we have to acknowledge where the nation went wrong in order to enact "reform". Still, Biden was masterful and Palin didn't fail. This debate was far better than the first presidential debate.

A more frivolous side note: Why is it that Gov. Palin can say words like "proliferate" but steadily says "nucular"? Or "My kids ... is near and dear to my heart." All of those teachers in your family and no one taught you "nuclear"? Eerily similar to Bush. More so that she's one "God forbid" heart-attack from his office, 'dontcha know?' Thankfully, Biden aced his single use of "Bridge to Nowhere". Also, Palin reigned in the "mavericks", good job. Maybe a bigger flag pin would distract me. At least SNL should be funny.

P.S.> Fact Checking with BBC News

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