Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama Names Biden as Running Mate

Obama selects Biden as VP Obama + Foreign Policy clout!

Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama selected Senator Joseph (Joe) Biden of Delaware as his Vice Presidential candidate around 12:04 PM EST. Speculation has been mounting for some time about the Illinois senator's choice and the announcement was delayed from the expected Friday disclosure. The choice, confirmed by text message to supporters and on Obama's website, will allow the pair a brief chance to rally together ahead of next week's convention in Denver, Colorado.

Senator Biden is somewhat the wisest choice in that he is known for having heavy foreign policy experience, the one area repeatedly touted as Obama's weakness. As well, being the son of a car salesman, Biden is expected to appeal to blue collar workers, another group Obama was perceived to have difficulty reaching. Lastly, he brings far more Capitol Hill experience to the Obama campaign having represented the state of Delaware in the US Senate for the past 36 years and currently chairing the Foreign Relations committee. Many remember Senator Biden as a competitor for the presidential nomination against Senator Obama and Senator Hillary Clinton, but Biden withdrew from the race in January.
Obama and Biden share a laugh... silly media Hillary Clinton, who had been touted as a possible running mate, said Senator Biden would be a "purposeful and dynamic vice-president".

"In naming my colleague and friend Senator Joe Biden to be the vice presidential nominee, Senator Obama has continued in the best traditions for the vice-presidency by selecting an exceptionally strong, experienced leader and devoted public servant," she said in a statement.

The McCain camp called the choice of Mr Biden 'an admission by Barack Obama that he was not ready to be president'.

"Biden has denounced Barack Obama's poor foreign policy judgement and has strongly argued in his own words what Americans are quickly realising - that Barack Obama is not ready to be president," McCain campaign spokesman Ben Porritt said in a statement.

John McCain has reportedly not yet settled on a running mate. (Source: BBC News)

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